
Marketing | Communication | Business Solutions

You can find anything on Google: business and marketing solutions, tools, trainings, and services galore. But which ones will work for our busienss, your offer, and your clients? How do you sort through the storms of advice?

Sometimes a fresh perspective can make all the difference.

Consults can include:

Content Audits
Brand Evaluation
Vision Casting
Offer Review
KPI Review & Evaluation
Campaign Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Target Market Persona building
Business Solution Evaluation

Need something else? Book a Discovery Call and let me know what you’re thinking!

Ready to get started?

Discovery Call

30 minutes getting to know each other and how I can help you reach your business goals. Most clients get 2 or more actionable insights from this one call!

Quick Action Consult

In 90 minutes we can unpack your top business concerns. Useful for reviewing KPI’s, vision casting, reviewing potential busienss solutions, parsing your brand identity, drafting a campaign strategy, or developing marketing strategy guidelines.

Accelerator Consult


This 90 minute consult follows a period of data gathering and evaluation of your brand, content, and KPIs. Afterwards you will receive a Strategy Guide, with next steps and guidelines based on your data and goals.

VIP Concierge Consulting

Combine intense data mining, detailed strategy, and stunning design into one 12 week, full-service package.

Phase I: Clarity – take a deep, deep dive into your KPI’s, sales data, system functionality, brand identity and execution. Culminates in a Strategy Guide similar to the Accelerator Consult. (approx 4 weeks)
Phase II: Strategy – Transform the insights from Phase I into detailed strategies for branding, marketing, and communication, including implementation plans. (approx 4 weeks)
Phase III: Design – Following the strategies of Phase II, Bizzy will produce a suite of beautiful branding and marketing collateral. (approx 4 weeks)
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